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(1) The Great Deception - Order Now


Thirty Four Innocents Murdered












The Key Questions


  1. Did the Dublin Government learn of the identity of the Bombers from the British Government?

  2. Did the Dublin Government act promptly on the information supplied by the British?

  3. Did the London Government act promptly on the information supplied to the Irish Government?

  4. Was there Collusion between British State Actors and Loyalists – UVF?

  5. Did the Loyalists have the capacity to carry out the Attacks unaided?

  6. Was the response of the Garda Síochána deficient at the time or laterally


         Judge Barron discovers concealed information and criticises Dublin


The Dublin and Monaghan Car Bombings 17 May 1974 were unspeakable

crimes of wanton savagery, executed with total disregard for human life

and suffering. Even in the context of the many atrocities committed at that

time a barrier was crossed into the darkness. It is matter of profound regret

that no one has been made accountable for these crimes. The memories

of those dark days slip from the wider public consciousness but never from

the memories of the victims families and close friends. Much has been said and

written about the culprits and much of the discourse has been coloured

by competing political narratives. Many promises have been made and

broken and there is no way that justice can prevail in the truest sense of

that word.  I have spent many years researching the topic and, in

this book, I intend to provide an honest appraisal based on the known facts

and without fear or favour. I invite the reader to form their own judgments.

Notwithstanding this analysis both Sovereign Governments, British and

Irish owe the victims and families a profound apology for failing in their

primary duty to protect the innocent and for failing to show interest in the

crimes for many years.



(2) Securing the Irish State

1922 - 2022


The Centenary Year of the Civic Guard/An Garda Síochána was 2022. Historically it is well established that a functioning acceptable police force is an essential enabler for stable democracy. This is the lesson learned from our own national independence struggle.


The main purpose of this work is to share and explore information regarding the history of policing in Ireland from 1922 to 2022. The primary focus of the book is on the role of the AGS in protecting the State. Up to 1998 the threat was posed primarily by militant republicans and briefly by other elements. This was an existential danger to the very existence of the State. During the last decade this threat was supplanted by the threat from Organised Crime and Drug barons.


The relationship between politics and policing is also explored. A central part of that analysis is to achieve an understanding of what degree politics dominated policing or indeed vice versa.


The leadership role played by senior politicians and Gardaí is examined as part of the overall context. The history of labour relations played an important and sometimes divisive role in the overall equilibrium of AnGarda Síochána.


These themes and others are explored using an evidence-based approach regardless of the conclusions.


The overwhelming message is that history repeats itself, only the actors change.


This is a unique work promoted by the GSRMA (Garda Retired) and combined with the authors unique role as a senior garda.


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Judge Barron's Criticism
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